API Documentation



OffsetBasedPaginationResponseOffsetBasedPaginationResponse is an interface that defines the shape of a response object for an offset-based pagination query. It's a generic interface where T represents the type of individual items in the response.

Type Aliases

Type aliasDescription
AssetArtifactIdId of an artifact in an asset.
AssetInstanceIdId of virtual assets. Also known as GroupedAsset in the platform.
ExtendsThe Extends type is a utility type that is taking two type parameters, T and U. The extends keyword here is being used for a conditional type check. It sets a constraint where the type U must be a subtype (or the same type) of T. This essentially means that U should either be the same type as T, or it should include all of the properties of T (in case of object types).
ExtractFieldExtractField is a utility type that extracts the type of a specific field from a type T. This type takes two parameters: - T, the type from which the field type is to be extracted. - K, the key of the field to be extracted from T.
FileSystemEntityA file system entity that can be a asset, a folder or something else.
FilesystemA list of folder content that can contain other folders.
FlattenThe Flatten type takes an array type and returns the type of the elements in the array. It uses conditional types and type inference to achieve this. If A is an array of some type I, it returns I. If A is not an array, it returns never.
FolderIdId of an folder in the filesystem.
LabelIdLabel (tags that can be attached to entities and fildered uppon).
LookAtPointRepresents a point in 3D space with a focus on a target, including orientation angles (pitch, yaw, roll). The coordinate system is defined by the type parameter ReferenceT, ensuring that points from different coordinate systems are not accidentally mixed.
OptionA type representing a value that may be null.
PageNumberOneIndexedPageNumberZeroIndexed is a utility type that represents a page number in a one-indexed pagination system (i.e., where the first page is numbered 1).
PageNumberZeroIndexedPageNumberZeroIndexed is a utility type that represents a page number in a zero-indexed pagination system (i.e., where the first page is numbered 0).
ProjectIdId of an project.
ProjectMemberIdProject member id. This is not to be confused with an UserId. The API tells us these are the same but they cant. We are keeping this special ID to block the devs from accidentally interchanging these two.
ResultA type representing a value that may be an error.
ResultErrorUtility type to extract the type of the error from a Result type.
ResultValueUtility type to extract the type of the value from a Result type.
SimpleValidationErrorError type that contains a single reason for causing an error.
TargetOrientationRepresents a directional orientation in 3D space. This includes: - A target position defined by coordinates (x, y, z) - The orientation angles: pitch, yaw, and roll - The distance from an origin point to the target



