Creating and Uploading an Asset

GraphQL flow chart:

1. Creating the Asset Entity

Replace [FOLDER_ID] and [FILE_NAME] in order to create an asset entity.

mutation {
  createAssetV3(params: { folderId: "[FOLDER_ID]", name: "[FILE_NAME]" })
  ... on GroupedAssetOutput {

Attach the bearer token to the graphql headers:

  "authorization": "Bearer eyJraWQiOiJydGdqUUxXZTBqbExIWHVBUm8zR1lP….."


  "data": {
    "createAssetV3": {
      "id": "f5fa9a0d-7479-49bf-8962-4fab70b89de9"

2. Creating a File

Replace [GROUPED_ASSET_ID] (e.g. "f5fa9a0d-7479-49bf-8962-4fab70b89de9" from the first step), [FILE_NAME] and [FILE_SIZE] to create a file entity, by using the ID from the GroupedAssetOutput. Repeat this process for every file associated with a single asset.

mutation {
  addFileV2(params: { groupedAssetId: "[GROUPED_ASSET_ID]", fileName: "[FILE_NAME]", fileSize: [FILE_SIZE] }) {
    ... on FileOutput {


  "data": {
    "addFileV2": {
      "id": "3126a9ae-9ae0-498b-83c1-524249b523f3"

3. Generating a Presigned URL for the File

Split the file into parts and replace the [PART_NUMBER] and [FILE_ID] (e.g. "3126a9ae-9ae0-498b-83c1-524249b523f3" from the previous step) to generate a presigned url to upload the file in parts. Repeat this step for all parts.

query {
  multipartUploadURL(params: { partNumber: [PART_NUMBER], fileId: "[FILE_ID]" }) {
    ... on MultipartUploadUrlOutput {


  "data": {
    "getMultipartUploadURL": {
      "uploadUrl": "https://s3.[AWS_REGION][HXDR_ENVIRONMENT]/assets/[ASSET_ID]/[FILE_NAME]?uploadId=[UPLOAD_ID]&partNumber=[PART_NUMBER]&X-Amz-Security-Token=[SECURITY_TOKEN]&X-Amz-Algorithm=[ALGORITHM]&X-Amz-Date=[DATE]&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=[SIGNED_HEADERS]&X-Amz-Expires=[EXPIRATION]&X-Amz-Credential=[CREDENTIALS]&X-Amz-Signature=[SIGNATURE]"

Note: Nothing has to be replaced in this response. It has been shortend to hide any real data.

The uploadUrl is the place to PUT the part. This is a direct connection to AWS S3 (opens in a new tab). The etag is located in the header of a successful response of an uploaded part which is needed for the next step.

To upload the data via the presigned url via a terminal, the following command can be used

curl --request PUT --url "[UPLOAD_URL]" --verbose --upload-file example.file .

4. Completing a File

In order to complete a file, replace [PART_NUMBER], [ETAG] and [LIST_OF_PART_OBJECTS]. Repeat this step for every file (not part!) that has been uploaded.

mutation {
      params: {
         fileId: "[FILE_ID]",
         multipartUploadsETags: [LIST_OF_PART_OBJECTS]
   ) {
      ... on ExecutedOutput{

Where [LIST_OF_PART_OBJECTS] each object has the below fields:

       part: [PART_NUMBER],
       etag: "[ETAG]"


mutation {
      params: {
         fileId: "3126a9ae-9ae0-498b-83c1-524249b523f3",
         multipartUploadsETags: [{
            part: 1,
            etag: "etag_1"
            part: n,
            etag: "etag_n"
   ) {


  "data": {
    "completeMultipartUpload": {
      "executed": true

5. Completing an Asset

Replace [GROUPED_ASSET_ID] with the ID from step 1. After all files have been uploaded and completed, the asset can be processed. This will happen when triggering completeAssetFileList.

mutation {
  completeAssetFileList(groupedAssetId: { assetId: "[GROUPED_ASSET_ID]" }) {
    ... on ExecutedOutput {


  "data": {
    "completeAssetFileList": {
      "executed": true,
      "message": "Asset Upload is completed"

Once all of the above steps have been completed, the automatic triggering of a specific pipeline will happen. The type of pipeline triggered depends on the assetType uploaded or the file extension of the uploaded file.

JS-SDK reference

  • Assets

    HxDR Assets