

Glossary : Reality Cloud Studio


UAT only, Not available in HxDR release and Reality Cloud Studio.

HxDRHexagon Digital RealityHxDR Website
HxDR PRODRelease EnvironmentHxDR Application (opens in a new tab)
RCSReality Cloud StudioRCS (opens in a new tab)
HxDR UATUser Acceptance Testing EnvironmentHxDR UAT (opens in a new tab)
LASLidar Aerial SurveyLASFormat (opens in a new tab)
e57ASTMn vendor-neutral format for storing point cloudshttp://libe57.org/ (opens in a new tab)
HSPCHexagon Smart Point CloudHSPC
JWTJSON Web TokenJWT (opens in a new tab)
JSONJavaScript Object NotationJSON (opens in a new tab)
BLKHexagon Geosystems BLK sensorsBLK Laser scanners (opens in a new tab)
RTCHexagon Geosystems RTC sensorsRTC360 3D Laser Scanner (opens in a new tab)
SLAMSimultaneous localization and mapping
UUIDUniversally Unique IDentifier
PTSPlain Text Point Data