Key Features


A GeoTag is a defined location in Cartesian coordinate space that has a name and, optionally, a description associated with it. GeoTags can be useful for identifying objects of interest in an asset to collaborate and leave notes for collaborators.

  • Add a note in your asset.
  • Add thumbnail for your geotag.
  • Attach file to your geotag.
  • Tag project to a specific location with coordinates address.
  • Extract annotations from your LGS scans.

Related Pages

GraphQL API reference

This section lists a few examples. Please refer to HxDR GraphQL Playground (opens in a new tab) to explore complete schema.

Creates a new label annotation with the given properties.
mutation CreateLabelAnnotationV2 {
        createLabelAnnotationInput: {
      parentId: "[parentId]"
      title: "[title]"
      description: "[description]"
            data: {
                position: { x: null, y: null, z: null }
                lookAt: {
                    distance: "[distance]"
                    pitch: "[pitch]"
                    roll: "[roll]"
                    yaw: "[yaw]"
                    ref: {  x: "[x]", y: "[y]", z: "[z]" }
    ) {
        ... on LabelAnnotationOutput {

parentIdThe label's parent ID. For example, the ID of the GroupedAsset.
title The label's title.
descriptionA description of the label.
For the description of additional inputs such as lookAt, yaw, pitch, roll, ref needed to create a geotag, search in the HxDR GraphQL Playground (opens in a new tab) .

To successfully execute a request on HxDR GraphQL playground, See following :

Updates a given label annotation with the given properties.
Upload a thumbnail image for the annotation with the given ID.
Deletes the annotation with the given ID.
Returns the details for the provided comment id.
This mutation creates comments as per provided input.

JS-SDK reference

  • Geotag

    Geotag services