

An Asset on HxDR platform is reffered to a file or group of files that have been uploaded by a user/device.


Processed assets produced by the processing stack become artifacts, which are also stored in the same bucket as assets.

Grouped asset

A GroupedAsset is a symbolic link to the underneath Asset and the files connected to it.

Asset operations

  • Upload and download asset.
  • Download original asset.
  • Take a cover image and upload for you asset.
  • Create, copy, move, rename and delete asset.
  • Auto-register asset
  • Convert asset artifact to anopther format ?
  • Generate asset sharing links.

Asset annotations

Users can add and edit follwing properties of an asset.

  • Tours
  • Label
  • Measurements
  • Geotag
  • Annotations
  • Slicing box

Asset Preview

Asset sharing

  • Sharing with project members
  • Sharing with external users

Related Pages

GraphQL API Reference

This section lists a few examples. Please refer to HxDR GraphQL Playground (opens in a new tab) to explore complete schema.

Creates an asset in the specified folder. The folderId is mandatory, no fallback is provided.

How to create and upload an asset on HxDR using GraphQL API ?
Retrieves the specified asset, provided the user has access to it.
query GetAssetDemo {
  asset(groupedAssetId: "[groupedAssetId]") {
    ... on GroupedAssetOutput {

A GroupedAsset is a symbolic link to the underneath Asset and the files connected to it. Every grouped asset gets an ID, when it is created. This groupedAssetId variable is used in various asset related API calls.

To successfully execute a request on HxDR GraphQL playground, See following :

Retrieves the specified assets if accessible to the user, plus errors for those which are not accessible.

Retrieve all the artifacts contained in an asset, this method is out of federation mostly used for testing purposes it is suggested to use getAsset()

Retrieve all the assets contained in a Folder, this method is out of federation mostly used for testing purposes it is suggested to use getFolders().

Retrieve all the assets contained in an account and filter and paginate on them.
Returns shared grouped asset id and authentication.

JS-SDK reference

  • Asset Core

    Core asset management services and types

  • Asset Renderer

    RIA based 3d asset visualization and rendering

  • Asset Filesystem

    Combined Asset/Folder Filesystem

  • Asset Upload

    Simplified asset upload lifecycle