Message Board

Message to our integrators

We would like to put your attention to GraphQL Inspector (opens in a new tab) adding this tool to your CI/CD will help you to immediately get the information once we announce deprecation of a query or mutation you are using. this will allow you to plan the needed work to catch up with the latest version of that particular query/mutation.

Deprecation period is defined to a maximum of two years for now depending on the query/mutation. thanks to improved update mechanisms we are hopeful to reduce that time in the soon future.

Message to the developers managing the HxDR API integration

We would like to improve the logging of API usage and need your help. While we are capable of monitoring every single GraphQL query and mutation, we are not (yet) able to log the client and client version making those requests. This would be especially helpful when deprecating parts of the API. We already check usage of those queries/muatations before shutting them down. Knowing the clients that are still using those queries/mutations we can communicate with the corresponding dev-teams directly and find a solution before terminating a query/mutation. We will also be able to provide you with usage metrics for your client if needed.

In order to do so, we kindly ask you to add the following request headers to all GraphQL HTTP requests:

  • x-graphql-client-name : A readable name identifying the application or team that is making the request. For example "reality-cloud-studio".
  • x-graphql-client-version : An optional version information string in an arbitrary format. For example: "7.2.5".

In case you are using Xalt Edge, there will be a separate communication from the corresponding team how this option will be made available on the SDK.

Features on roadmap


UAT only, Not available in HxDR release and Reality Cloud Studio.