

A pipeline is a connection of steps represented by various algorithms chained together on HxDR backend. Each pipeline has its respective functionalities.

When you upload an asset to HxDR, some operations are triggered based on the type of dataset imported. Processed assets becomes artifact. For e.g. for point clouds it is transformed to HSPC, OBJs and GLBs to OGC3DTiles…etc.

Some pipeline are auto triggered:

  • LAS/e57 to HSPC
  • Panorama to Cubemap

Some pipelines can be triggered by user :

  • Mesh generation
  • Auto-registration
  • Export datsets

All pipelines can be triggered using HxDR APIs.

How to trigger pipelines using HxDR API ?

Related Pages

GraphQL API reference

This section lists a few examples. Please refer to HxDR GraphQL Playground (opens in a new tab) to explore complete schema.

Available pipelines on a grouped asset

Gets all the processing pipelines that HXDR can trigger for the current groupedAssetId The already generated artifacts (e.g HSPC) will be used for deciding the available processing pipelines.

query AvailableProcessingPipelines {
  availableProcessingPipelines(groupedAssetId: "[groupedAssetId]") {

A GroupedAsset is a symbolic link to the underneath Asset and the files connected to it. Every grouped asset gets an ID, when it is created. This groupedAssetId variable is used here to list the available processing pipelines that can be triggered on this asset.

To successfully execute a request on HxDR GraphQL playground, See following :

Pipeline triggering

Manually trigger the processing pipeline defined in the input parameter.

Manually trigger the UAV processing pipeline.

Pipeline usage

Retrieve the usage of specific pipelines. If no start/end date is supplied, the endpoint logic defaults to the start of the current month until the time the request has been received.

Retrieve the usage of specific pipelines per account. If no start/end date is supplied, the endpoint logic defaults to the start of the current month until the time the request has been received.

JS-SDK reference

  • Pipelines

    HxDR Pipelines