

The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) format is an open international standard for Building Information Model (BIM) data that is exchanged between different software applications. This data describes a building or facility, including spatial elements, materials and shapes.

See buildingSMART for more information about the specification.

HxDR stores the original IFC file, simplifies it and generates 3D tiles with level of details.


Binz is a proprietary format for CAD data. It is created with Hexagon PPM software.

The Binz format contains the original, parameterized geometry primitives of objects created in the Hexagon PPM software. It also contains some metadata: feature IDs, monikers, information on how the objects are grouped, and so on.


Autodesk Revit is a BIM software tool for architects, engineers, and construction professionals to model shapes, structures, and systems in 3D. It stores these 3D models in a proprietary RVT file format with the .rvt file extension.

These RVT files contain:

  • A geometry model of a building or facility, including spatial elements, materials, and shapes.
  • A so-called feature data model describing typical BIM properties of that data, such as layer, material, and so on.

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