

To log in on HxDR, please follow the AWS Cognito OAuth guide (opens in a new tab). As a developer you will receive the required data from the HxDR team to perform a login.


Once logged in, the JWT needs to be retrieved as described here (opens in a new tab).

Using the example from above, a response would look like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Content-Type: application/json


Important are the token_type and the access_token. They need to be combined, as shown below, to access the platform:

HTTP Request Header:

  "authorization": "Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]"
  "authorization": "Bearer eyJz9sdfsdfsdfsd"

To sucessful execute any GraphQL (opens in a new tab) query and/or mutation, the authorization key needs to be present in every request.

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  • Auth

    Identity authentication

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    Account Services